Hello, hallo!

I am a student with experience both in backend and frontend development.

About me

I have a Master's degree in Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence. Currently I am enrolled in Master of Information Management. Most of my job experiences are in backend development, however I would like to sharpen my frontend development skills.

Hackathons are my true passion as I enjoy being challenged and getting the opportunity to use the skills I have learned and develop them even further.

I am known as a social person who learns quickly and works in a solution-oriented fashion.

Visual Basic
This is me - IT worker


Bachelor's degree

I graduated with a bachelor's degree in Informatics at the university of Leuven. I chose Science as my minor during this 3 year degree.

Master's degree

I graduated with a master's degree in Civil Engineering: Computer Science with a major in Artificial Intelligence. My electives have mainly been in frontend development.

Master's degree

I am currently enrolled in the Master of Information Management

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My experiences
so far

I am always happy to land a new internship or summer job and learn a lot of new stuff.

Hackathon Participations
Coding Projects
Programming Languages
LinkedIn Connections

My Projects

I have worked on dozens of projects so I have picked only the latest for you.



Built a mobile meal recommendation application...

During one of my project courses at university I built a food recommendation application tailor-made for students using the Flutter framework. There is a possibility to create a meal plan and opt for easy-to-make meals.

This application was made in a team of 5 students. With this application we researched possible solutions to the cold-start problem of recommender systems.

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Built a mobile book recommendation application...

For my thesis I built a book recommendation application using the Meteor framework. This book recommendation application uses content-based filtering to recommended new books to users.

Mainstream recommender systems such as Netflix and Amazon provide very little explanation as to why a recommendation has been made to a particular user. In my research I researched whether visual explanations showing the decision process of the recommender system to recommend new books increases the user satisfaction.

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PU Learning

Researched possible solutions for the cold start problem using PU Learning...

During one of my project courses at university I built a recommender system for movies based on the movielens dataset.

One of the main issues with recommender systems is the cold start problem. In this project I investigated possible Positive Unlabeled (PU) Learning algorithms to solve this problem together with my project partner. We did this by converting the dataset into a PU Learning problem. After which we trained a model using two-step techniques and class prior incorporation methods.

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Exploiting vulnerabilities in the C programming language...

During one of my project courses at university I had the opportunity to exploit memory vulnerabilities in C programs.

The goal was to be able to execute the /bin/sh command which runs the system shell. The attacks consisted of buffer overflows, data-only vulnerabilities, stack-based buffer overflow, return-to-libc and format string vulnerabilities.

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Multi-Agent Systems

Built a multi-agent system in which different robots can interact with each other...

During one of my project courses at university I had the opportunity to built a multi-agent system in which a swarm of 1000 robots is able to communicate with each other and form predefined shapes.

When two robots get near each other they can communicate, a robot that is already at its final destination can inform another robot which way he should continue. Four robots are used as to initialize the coordinates of the grid.

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Machine learning

Created an agent-based algorithm which learns to play poker...

During one of my project courses at university I had the opportunity to built an agent-based algorithm which was able to learn Kuhn and Leduc poker which are simplified poker versions.

Two different algorithms based on regret minimization already existed in the literature, namely outcome and external sampling. I proposed and researched a hybrid system utilizing these two methods.

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Genetic algorithms

Created a genetic algorithm which searches an optimal solution for the travelling salesman problem...

During one of my project courses at university I had the opportunity to create a genetic algorithm to solve the travelling salesman problem. Me and my project partner evaluated all the impact of all the different (hyper)parameters on the problem.

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Drawing tool

Built a drawing tool helper for one of the games I play...

During my summer holiday I built a small web application which can be used by gamers to help them draw their maps in the Transformice game.

For this application I used the Flask framework and generated the necessary XML in the backend.

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